Ensuring Pure, Safe Water for the Port St. Lucie Community - Eastern Water and Health

Eastern Water and Health has been the trusted source for water treatment solutions in Port St. Lucie, Florida, for over a decade. Our team of NSF-certified technicians, led by industry veterans, has helped thousands of local families and businesses access clean, healthy water.

Whether you're concerned about hard water deposits, unpleasant tastes, odors, or contaminants, we can test your water and recommend the right treatment system. Common issues we address include high chlorine levels, bacteria, sediments, and other impurities that can compromise water quality.

An essential service is water softener installation. By removing calcium and magnesium through ion exchange, a softener eliminates problems like soap scum, mineral buildup, and dry skin associated with hard water. Our softeners use non-electric regeneration for low-maintenance operation and are engineered for Port St. Lucie's water characteristics.

Beyond softeners, we offer whole-house filters, UV disinfection, reverse osmosis systems, and more. All our solutions are NSF-certified and help ensure your water meets or exceeds DEP standards. You can rely on our licensed technicians for installation, maintenance, and prompt service in emergencies.

Rather than dealing with out-of-town retailers or salespeople, you benefit from working directly with your local water experts. As a family-owned business, we take pride in providing honest recommendations and outstanding service to each customer.

Don't hesitate to contact us if you need a water test, a free quote, or questions about treatment options. We aim to make clean, pure water accessible to the Port St. Lucie community.

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(772) 301-1767

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